congregational care

Congregational Care.
Congregational Care provides support, comfort, prayer and love during difficult times. At First Presbyterian Church of Fort Lauderdale, we believe in the power of caring and its ability to bring our faith alive. Whether you are in need of a little extra support or are facing a life challenge, you are not alone.
As Christians, we are called to care for those in our church family and community who need support, comfort, prayer and love during difficult times. Pastors, staff and leaders from our First Presbyterian community make it a priority to visit the sick, hospitalized and homebound. They are available during Sunday Worship and through our prayer letter to pray with and for anyone in need. Our staff and volunteers are devoted to walking with our community through their difficult seasons or with anyone in need of comfort and support.
As Christians, we are called to care for those in our church family and community who need support, comfort, prayer and love during difficult times. Pastors, staff and leaders from our First Presbyterian community make it a priority to visit the sick, hospitalized and homebound. They are available during Sunday Worship and through our prayer letter to pray with and for anyone in need. Our staff and volunteers are devoted to walking with our community through their difficult seasons or with anyone in need of comfort and support.
Support Groups
Griefshare Support Group
Thursdays at 10am in the Chapel-in-the-Sky
Walk alongside others who have gone through and are going through the grief process in a way that offers support and love. Learn tools that will help you cope and realize peace and hope for the future. Contact Mona Petersen for more information,
DivorceCare Support Group
Wednesdays at 6:30pm
Walk alongside others who have gone through or are going through a separation or divorce in a safe, comfortable setting. Learn skills and tools to help you navigate this challening part of your journey. Located in the Spanish Room and virtual. Contact Mona Petersen for link,
Caring for the Caregiver Support Group
Begins: Wednesday, September 14th in the Cottage @6:30pm
Caring for the Caregiver is a Christian based support group for adult caregivers of loved ones and is intended to provide help and hope on the journey as caregivers. All are welcome. We will use the book “Ambushed By Grace” by Shelly Beach as our guide. Our Facilitators: Kathy Craven, Lew Lash, and Cheryl Peterson. To register, Click Here.
Thursdays at 10am in the Chapel-in-the-Sky
Walk alongside others who have gone through and are going through the grief process in a way that offers support and love. Learn tools that will help you cope and realize peace and hope for the future. Contact Mona Petersen for more information,
DivorceCare Support Group
Wednesdays at 6:30pm
Walk alongside others who have gone through or are going through a separation or divorce in a safe, comfortable setting. Learn skills and tools to help you navigate this challening part of your journey. Located in the Spanish Room and virtual. Contact Mona Petersen for link,
Caring for the Caregiver Support Group
Begins: Wednesday, September 14th in the Cottage @6:30pm
Caring for the Caregiver is a Christian based support group for adult caregivers of loved ones and is intended to provide help and hope on the journey as caregivers. All are welcome. We will use the book “Ambushed By Grace” by Shelly Beach as our guide. Our Facilitators: Kathy Craven, Lew Lash, and Cheryl Peterson. To register, Click Here.
We are here for you.
Carry each other’s burdens, and in this you will fulfill the Law of Christ. Galatians 6:2
Our Deacons are members of our congregation called and elected to commit and serve in a caring ministry. Your Diaconate (as the Board of Deacons is often called) is composed of 5 committees devoted to caring for the congregation in various aspects of our faith journeys. Under each committee are ministry teams and we welcome you if you feel called to serve with your God given gifts on one of these ministry teams.
Our Deacons are members of our congregation called and elected to commit and serve in a caring ministry. Your Diaconate (as the Board of Deacons is often called) is composed of 5 committees devoted to caring for the congregation in various aspects of our faith journeys. Under each committee are ministry teams and we welcome you if you feel called to serve with your God given gifts on one of these ministry teams.
Our Care Committees:
- The Prayer Committee prays directly for those in need, weekly after the church services as well as through intercessory means such as the Labyrinth Walk at Easter and connecting others with God weekly through the Prayer Letter.
- The Compassionate Care Committee shows God’s love through gifts of kindness with notes, soup, and flowers delivered to those in need.
- The Immediate Care committee ministers to those needing immediate need, by visiting those in the hospital due to an emergency or assisting in memorial services and receptions for those who have lost a loved one.
- The Support Care Committee keeps track of those who are recovering from a hospital stay and going through emotionally and physically demanding rehab, offering support as needed.
- The Continuing Care committee ministers to those who are continuing to grieve loved ones lost, enduring the aftermath of a divorce, and serving communion to the home bounds, as well as arranging monthly gatherings at local retirement communities.
Our Support Groups:
- Caregiver Support Group: This group provides hope and encouragement to help caregivers living with dementia or illness of any kind to learn to take care of themselves as well as their loved one. The Caregiver Support Group meets the 1st Wednesday of each month from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Study and Renewal Center.
- Prayer Shawl: When you or someone you know is in need of God’s comfort, a prayer shawl is the perfect way to experience the Love of God. The prayer shawls are knitted by the loving hands of this ministry and then each shawl is blessed by a pastor of our church.
How can we pray for you?
We believe in the power of prayer and its ability to bring our faith alive. Matthew 21:22
And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith. We offer many ways that we can pray for you and for you to pray for others.
And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith. We offer many ways that we can pray for you and for you to pray for others.
- Congregational Prayer Letter: We gather weekly prayer requests and praises and email these out to a team of prayer warriors. If you would like to either give us a prayer request or praise and/or receive the weekly prayer letter please contact us.
- Prayer Team: The Deacons of our church oversee this team that meets to pray and talk with anyone in need of support and prayer after each worship service on Sunday.
- Prayer Pager: This is a wonderful ministry that reaches out to anyone who would like the reassurance and comfort of knowing that someone is praying for them. If you are the receiver of a prayer pager, then you will either hear a beep or feel the vibration of the pager once someone has prayed for you. Our recipients of the prayer pagers and the numbers to the pagers are listed in our bulletin and congregational prayer letter each week.